Using the SigPlus.ini feature


The SigPlus.exe (SigPlus ®) program installs the OCX control in the WIN\SigPlus directory, together with the SigPlus.ini file in the WIN directory. After you have installed the .ini file, you may edit it or delete it easily. (This .ini file is not functional unless it has been placed in the WIN directory.) If the .ini file is not present, then the properties of the control in your application are unaffected and the application runs on its own. When the .ini file is present in the WIN directory, the values present are used to override the properties set in the control proper in the application. The .ini file allows a common application to use different tablet types and interfaces. For example, if one machine uses the signature pad on COM1, another on COM2, a third on the USB port, and yet a fourth on the USB port with a Topaz HSB tablet, the SigPlus.ini files for these four instances would be:


Computer 1 (COM1)      Computer 2 (COM2)      Computer 3 (USB)      Computer 4 (HSB)


[Tablet]                             [Tablet]                            [Tablet]                          [Tablet]

TabletComPort = 1        TabletComPort = 2        TabletComPort = (*)    TabletComPort = (*)

TabletType = 0                TabletType = 0               TabletType = 2             TabletType = 6

TabletLCDMode = 0      TabletLCDMode = 0     TabletLCDMode = 0   TabletLCDMode = 0


* - TabletComPort setting in these instances does not matter.


Setting the COM Port:


Be sure that tablet state is off when selecting a COM port. The COM port must be selected first and then tablet state turned on. Also, be sure to set tablet state off before exiting the application. The COM port can also be set in the SigPlus.ini file which is configured on installation of the OCX.


It is very important to note that the .ini settings can only be used to override the OCX default property settings. If coding or script is used to override a property setting in your application, the .ini settings will not override the scripted setting.


TabletType settings: Default is 0.


0     Normal mode. When the tablet is activated it will accept input from the selected COM


1     WinTab mode. When the tablet is activated  it will accept data from the Topaz WinTab

       driver only.

2     USB mode. When the tablet is activated it will accept data from the Topaz USB driver.

6     HSB mode. (USB tablet using Windows HID driver, models ending in -HSB)


The TabletType configuration line uses the same settings as the lower order settings of the TabletMode property.


Version 3.01 and above of the SigPlus control allows the background and ink color of the control to be set under program or property control. To enable these properties, set the line EnableColor = 1 in the [Tablet] portion of the SigPlus.ini file at the top.


To use a USB tablet on Windows 95, please set the INI parameter Win95USB = 1, and then install the older Topaz USB drivers, Topazdrv.sys and Topaz.inf. For all other Win OS, leave Win95USB = 0 and install the TopazUsb.sys and TopazUsb.inf files for USB (or reinstall SigPlus.exe with these choices).


To create BMP or TIF image files at tablet resolution, please set the ImageScreenResolution = 0.


To connect multiple USB tablets to a USB hub and have them function independently, please set UseMultiUSB = 1. For a typical single USB tablet setup, keep UseMultiUSB = 0.


To suppress error messages generated by SigPlus, please set DisableMessages = 1.


Topaz HSB tablets use the built-in HID USB driver rather than separate Topaz USB driver. no driver loading is necessary since it is already automatically installed. Requires the SigPlus.ini parameter TabletType = 6.


Tablet ini settings are:



TabletComPort = 2                                                          

TabletType = 0                                                                 

TabletLCDMode = 0                                                        

TabletModel = SignatureGemLCD4x3                          

EnableColor = 0                                                               

Win95USB = 0                                                                 

ImageScreenResolution = 1                                           

UseMultiUSB = 0                                                              

DisableMessages = 0                                                     


[ClipGem] (ClipGem™)

TabletXStart = 485

TabletXStop = 2800

TabletYStart = 170

TabletYStop = 3200

TabletLogicalXSize = 2315

TabletLogicalYSize = 3030

TabletFilterPoints = 2

TabletTimingAdvance = 1

TabletBaudRate = 9600

Tablet Resolution = 275



TabletXStart = 400

TabletXStop = 2400

TabletYStart = 150

TabletYStop = 3450

TabletLogicalXSize = 2000

TabletLogicalYSize = 3300

TabletFilterPoints = 2

TabletTimingAdvance = 0

TabletBaudRate = 19200

Tablet Resolution = 230


[SigLite 1x5] (SigLite™)

TabletXStart = 500

TabletXStop = 2650

TabletYStart = 700

TabletYStop = 2100

TabletLogicalXSize = 2150

TabletLogicalYSize = 1400

TabletFilterPoints = 2

TabletTimingAdvance = 2

TabletBaudRate = 19200

TabletLCDMode = 1


[SigLiteLCD 1x5]

TabletXStart = 400

TabletXStop = 2400

TabletYStart = 350

TabletYStop = 1050

TabletLogicalXSize = 2000

TabletLogicalYSize = 700

TabletFilterPoints = 4

TabletTimingAdvance = 0

TabletBaudRate = 19200

TabletResolution = 410

LCDType = 0

LCDXSize = 240

LCDYSize = 64

LCDXStart = 100

LCDXStop = 1900

LCDYStart = 0

LCDYStop = 700


[SignatureGem 1x5] (SignatureGem™)

TabletXStart = 400

TabletXStop = 2400

TabletYStart = 350

TabletYStop = 950

TabletLogicalXSize = 2000

TabletLogicalYSize = 600

TabletFilterPoints = 4

TabletTimingAdvance = 4

TabletBaudRate = 19200

Tablet Resolution = 410


[SignatureGemLCD 1x5]

TabletXStart = 400

TabletXStop = 2400

TabletYStart = 350

TabletYStop = 1050

TabletLogicalXSize = 2000

TabletLogicalYSize = 700

TabletFilterPoints = 4

TabletTimingAdvance = 4

TabletBaudRate = 19200

TabletResolution = 410

LCDType = 0

LCDXSize = 240

LCDYSize = 64

LCDXStart = 100

LCDXStop = 1900

LCDYStart = 0

LCDYStop = 700


[SignatureGem 4x5]                                                          

TabletXStart = 500                                                            

TabletXStop = 2650                                                          

TabletYStart = 700                                                             

TabletYStop = 2100                                                           

TabletLogicalXSize = 2150                                              

TabletLogicalYSize = 1400                                              

TabletFilterPoints = 4

TabletTimingAdvance = 4

TabletBaudRate = 19200

TabletResolution = 410


[TracGem] - note that the COM port is not relevant. (TracGem™)

TabletXStart = 900

TabletXStop = 2200

TabletYStart = 700

TabletYStop = 1300

TabletLogicalXSize = 1300

TabletLogicalYSize = 600

TabletFilterPoints = 2

TabletTimingAdvance = 2

TabletBaudRate = 19200

TabletLCDMode = 1


[PaperGem] - note that the COM port is not relevant. (PaperGem™)

TabletXStart = 450

TabletXStop = 2850

TabletYStart = 400

TabletYStop = 3300

TabletLogicalXSize = 2400

TabletLogicalYSize = 2900

TabletFilterPoints = 2

TabletTimingAdvance = 2

TabletBaudRate = 19200

TabletLCDMode = 1

Tablet Resolution = 275


[SignatureGemLCD 4x3]

TabletXStart = 500

TabletXStop = 2650

TabletYStart = 400

TabletYStop = 2100

TabletLogicalXSize = 2150

TabletLogicalYSize = 1700

TabletFilterPoints = 4

TabletTimingAdvance = 4

TabletBaudRate = 19200

TabletResolution = 410

LCDType = 0

LCDXSize = 240

LCDYSize = 128

LCDXStart = 200

LCDXStop = 2000

LCDYStart = 250

LCDYStop = 1300


[SigLiteLCD 4x5]

TabletXStart = 500

TabletXStop = 2600

TabletYStart = 500

TabletYStop = 2100

TabletLogicalXSize = 2100

TabletLogicalYSize = 1600

TabletFilterPoints = 4

TabletTimingAdvance = 4

TabletBaudRate = 38400

TabletResolution = 410

LCDType = 0

LCDXSize = 320

LCDYSize = 240

LCDXStart = 130

LCDXStop = 2000

LCDYStart = 80

LCDYStop = 1480


[SignatureGemLCD 4x5]

Settings are the same as SigLiteLCD 4x5 above.


Note regarding tablet settings:


Signatures are stored relative to the LogicalX and LogicalY sizes, so it is important to be consistent in all instances of the control. If you change the LogicalX and LogicalY settings, you will need to convert any .SIG files saved with the previous LogicalX and LogicalY settings. LogicalX and LogicalY values are determined by Start values minus Stop values for that tablet. These parameters are set in the INI and Topaz does not recommend changing them as doing so may produce unexpected results.  


SigPlus.ini file parameters for LCD Tablets


LCDType               Type of LCD display.

LCDXSize             X size of LCD display, in pixels.

LCDYSize              Y size of LCD display, in pixels.

LCDXStart             X position in logical tablet coordinates of LCD.

LCDYStart              Y position in logical tablet coordinates of LCD.

LCDXStop             X position in logical tablet coordinates of LCD.

LCDYStop              Y position in logical tablet coordinates of LCD.











  Copyright 1995 - 2005, Topaz Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Patent Pending

     Topaz Systems, Inc., 650 Cochran Street, Unit 6, Simi Valley, CA, USA, 93065

              Phone: 805 520-8282  Fax: 805 520-0867