SetTabletMode (int Mode)


Function:             Determines if the tablet will accept data from a COM port or from the

                               Simple Tablet driver if Simple Tablet support is desired.


Arguments:         Integer:


                                Mode            Defined as follows:


                                                      0                   Normal mode. When the tablet is activated

                                                                            it will accept input from the selected COM port.

                                                                            Default is 0.

                                                      1                    Simple Tablet mode. When the tablet is activated it

                                                                            will accept data from the Topaz Simple Tablet driver


                                                      2                    USB mode. When the tablet is activated it will

                                                                            accept data from the Topaz USB driver.

                                                      3                    TracGemPOST signature format.

                                                                            Transparent mode (CTRL-T).

                                                      4                    Older model SigLite touch tablet format.

                                                                            Obsolete mode.


                                                      Preferred method of setting the above modes is with

                                                      the TabletType property.


                                                      Add 32          Rendering of signatures in lower resolution

                                                                             for better Visual Basic compatibility.

                                                                             Preferred method of setting this mode is

                                                                             with the DisplayWindowRes property.

                                                      Add 64          Control becomes invisible and does not draw

                                                                             visibly (0X40). Preferred method of setting

                                                                             this mode is with the TabletInvisible


                                                      Add 128        Hardware check mode. When this mode is

                                                                             active, Normal mode is also set. If a Topaz

                                                                             tablet is plugged into the selected COM port,

                                                                             TabletState can be set to 1. If the tablet is not

                                                                             plugged into the serial port, TabletState

                                                                             cannot be set to 1. Preferred method of

                                                                             setting this mode is with the

                                                                             TabletComTest property.

                                                      Add 256        Allows for signature rotation in the control

                                                                             after capture. Does not save the .SIG file

                                                                             rotated. Display rotation only. Preferred

                                                                             method of setting this mode is with the

                                                                             DisplayRotate property.

                                                      Add 768        Allows for signature rotation in the control

                                                                             after capture. Does save the .SIG file rotated

                                                                             in this mode. Preferred method of setting

                                                                             this mode is with the DisplayRotateSave


                                                      Add 1024      (400H). This is the Memo Field mode, where

                                                                             the GetSigData and SetSigData formats are

                                                                             unicode compliant for applications where the

                                                                             field used to store the signature cannot

                                                                             accept binary data. This Memo Field mode is

                                                                             active for all .SIG file formats, including

                                                                             normal, encrypted, and compressed. If you

                                                                             save the .SIG data in this mode, you must

                                                                             also retrieve the data in the same mode.

                                                                             Preferred method of setting this mode is

                                                                             with the AsciiDataMode property.


                                                                             Add modes can be used in any additive

                                                                             combination. For example, to implement

                                                                             Add 32 in Simple Tablet mode, the argument is set

                                                                             to 1 + 32  = 33.


Return Value:     Void.


Remarks:             If Simple Tablet support is not available, it will not do anything when in the

                               active state. Conversely, if Simple Tablet is present and the mode is not

                               correct, the tablet will also do nothing when active because the Simple Tablet

                               driver takes exclusive possession of the COM port.











  Copyright 1995 - 2005, Topaz Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Patent Pending

     Topaz Systems, Inc., 650 Cochran Street, Unit 6, Simi Valley, CA, USA, 93065

              Phone: 805 520-8282  Fax: 805 520-0867