Topaz Systems, Inc.
SigPlus v2.41

Class SigPlus


public class SigPlus
extends java.lang.Object

SigPlus Pro Java is the Topaz software tool for Java developers. This native Java bean provides all the functionality required for customized capture and encryption of electronic handwritten biometric signatures. The SigPlus Pro Java bean allows for cross-platform Java implementation.

Constructor Summary
SigPlus () {}
Default Constructor
Method Summary
public void
autoKeyData (string)
Adds data to the auto key generation function.
public void
Completes the auto key generation function.
public void
autoKeyStart ()
Initializes the automatic key generation function.
public void
clearTablet ()
Causes the signature to clear from the object.
public boolean
exportSigFile (string fileName)
Control writes out a signature file in the Topaz image-free raw tablet data vector file (.sig extension).
public string
getAnnotation ()
Returns current ASCII line character.
public boolean
Returns whether the Annotation is being displayed.
public int
getDisplayAnnotationSize ()
Returns Annotation size in pixels.
public int
Returns the X position in pixels of the start of the Annotation string in the signature box.
public int
getDisplayAnnotationY ()
Returns the Y position in pixels of the start of the Annotation string in the signature box.
public int
Returns the justification mode, how the image is set in the signature box.
public int
getDisplayJustifyX ()
Returns current justify X buffer in pixels.
public int
Returns current justify Y buffer in pixels.
public int
Returns current pen width setting in pixels.
public int
Returns the display rotation setting.
public boolean
getDisplayTimeStamp ()
Returns whether or not the Time Stamp is being displayed.
public int
Returns the size in pixels of the Time Stamp.
public int
getDisplayTimeStampX ()
Returns the X position in pixels of the start of the Time Stamp in the signature box.
public int
Returns the Y position in pixels of the start of the Time Stamp in the signature box.
public boolean
Returns whether or not the tablet is in transparent mode.
public int
getEncryptionMode ()
Returns the current encryption mode for capturing signatures.
public boolean
Returns whether or not the Annotation is being displayed as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public int
getImageAnnotationSize ()
Returns the size in pixels of the Annotation as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public int
getImageAnnotationX ()
Returns the X position in pixels of the start of the Annotation as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public int
getImageAnnotationY ()
Returns the Y position in pixels of the start of the Annotation as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public int
getImageJustifyMode ()
Returns the justification mode as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public int
getImageJustifyX ()
Returns current justify X buffer in pixels as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public int
getImageJustifyY ()
Returns current justify Y buffer in pixels as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public int
getImagePenWidth ()
Returns current pen width setting as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public int
getImageRotation ()
Returns the display rotation setting as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public boolean
getImageTimeStamp ()
Returns true or false whether the Time Stamp is being displayed as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public int
getImageTimeStampSize ()
Returns the size in pixels of the start of the Time Stamp as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public int
getImageTimeStampX ()
Returns the X position in pixels of the start of the Time Stamp as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public int
getImageTimeStampY ()
Returns the Y position in pixels of the start of the Time Stamp as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public boolean
getImageTransparentMode ()
Returns whether or not the tablet is in transparent mode as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public int
getImageXSize ()
Returns the number of X pixels in the image provided by public image sigImage () method.
public int
getImageYSize ()
Returns the number of Y pixels in the image provided by public image sigImage () method.
public string
Provides a hash of the encrytption data in ASCII compatible format.
public int
getLCDCaptureMode ()
Returns the current LCD mode for the tablet.
public short
getNumberOfStrokes ()
Returns the total number of strokes in the current signature and can be used to detect if a signature is present or not.
public short
getNumPointsForStroke (strokeNumber)
Returns the total number of points in the specified stroke.
public short
getPointXValue (short StrokeIdx, short PointIdx)
Returns the X coordinate value for the specified point. The value is in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
public short
getPointYValue (short StrokeIdx, short PointIdx)
Returns the Y coordinate value for the specified point in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
public int
getSigCompressionMode ()
Returns the current compression mode for signatures.
public string
getSigPlusVersion ()
Returns the current version of the SigPlus JAR file as a String.
public long
Returns a 32 bit receipt similar to the key reciept.
public string
getSigReceiptAscii(short Strokeldx, short Pointldx)
Same as getKeyReceiptAscii, but for Sig Receipt.
public string
Returns signature as an ASCII hex string.
public int
getTabletBaudRate ()
Returns the baud rate for the tablet.
public boolean
getTabletClippingMode ()
Returns true or false whether Tablet Clipping mode is active or not.
public string
getTabletComPort ()
Returns the current COM port assignment.
public boolean
getTabletComTest ()
Determines if tablet is connected, based on TabletComPort ().
public int
getTabletFilterPoints ()
Returns the TabletFilterPoints.
public int
getTabletFormat ()
Returns the current tablet format.
public boolean
getTabletInvisible ()
Returns whether or not Tablet Invisible is active.
public int
getTabletLCDType ()
Returns current LCD type of tablet.
public int
getTabletLCDXSize ()
Returns current LCD width in pixels.
public int
getTabletLCDXStart ()
Returns current X pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of left most pixel.
public int
getTabletLCDXStop ()
Returns current X pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of right most pixel.
public int
getTabletLCDYSize ()
Returns current LCD height in pixels.
public int
getTabletLCDYStart ()
Returns current Y pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of top most pixel.
public int
getTabletLCDYStop ()
Returns current Y pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of bottom most pixel.
public int
getTabletLogicalXSize ()
Returns the range of horizontal values to be added in representing signatures in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
public int
getTabletLogicalYSize ()
Returns the range of vertical values to be used in representing signatures in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
public string
getTabletModel ()
Returns the current model of signature tablet.
public int
getTabletResolution ()
Returns tablet hardware resolution.
public int
getTabletRotation ()
Returns the orientation for the display of tablet data.
public int
getTabletState ()
Returns the state of the tablet open or closed.
public int
getTabletTimingAdvance ()
Returns the TabletTimingAdvance.
public int
getTabletXStart ()
Returns the X position of the top left corner of the signature box in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
public int
getTabletXStop ()
Returns the X position of the bottom right corner of the signature box in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
public int
getTabletYStart ()
Returns the Y position of the top left corner of the signature box in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
public int
getTabletYStop ()
Returns the Y position of the bottom right corner of the signature box in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
public string
getTimeStamp ()
Returns the Time Stamp string for the signature.
public short
getXExtent ()
Returns the exact width in pixels of the current signature.
public short
getYExtent ()
Returns the exact height in pixels of the current signature.
public boolean
importSigFile (string fileName)
Control Clears the current signature, reads in a signature file in the Topaz vector file format, and displays it.
public void
keyPadAddHotSpot (int keyCode, int coords, int xPos, int yPos, int xSize, int ySize)
Defines in software the location of a tablet HotSpot.
public void
keyPadClearHotSpotList ()
Clears the control's internal list of HotSpots.
public void
keyPadClearSigWindow (int inside)
Erases data either inside or outside of sig window based on value of int inside.
public int
keyPadQueryHotSpot (int keyCode)
Queries whether the specified HotSpot has been tapped by the user.
public void
keyPadSetSigWindow (int coords, int xpos, int ypos, int xsize, int ysize)
Sets a signature window that restricts the ink of the SigPlus object to said window.
public boolean
lcdRefresh ( int mode, int xPos, int yPos, int xSize, int ySize)
Sends refresh command to tablet.
public boolean
lcdSetWindow (int xPos, int yPos, int xSize, int ySize)
Sets a signature window that restricts the ink of the SigPlus object to said window on the LCD itself.
public boolean
lcdWriteImage (int dest, int mode, int xPos, int yPos, int xSize, int ySize, Image imageData)
Writes jpeg image to the LCD Display at the location specified by the combination of dest, xPos, and yPos.
public int
Returns the total number of points in the current signature and can be used to detect if a singature is present or not.
public void
setAnnotation(string annotation)
Sets the ASCII line character.
public void
setDisplayAnnotation(boolean displayAnnotation)
Sets the bean to display the Annotation string.
public void
setDisplayAnnotationSize(int displayAnnotationSize)
Sets the Y size in pixels of the Annotation start of the Time Stamp in the signature box.
public void
setDisplayAnnotationX (int displayAnnotationX)
Sets the X position in pixels of the start of the Annotation string in the signature box.
public void
setDisplayAnnotationY(int displayAnnotationY)
Sets the Y position in pixels of the start of the Annotation string in the signature box.
public void
setDisplayJustifyMode (int displayJustifyMode)
Sets the justification mode for how the signature is going to be sized and positioned in the signature box.
public void
setDisplayJustifyX (int displayJustifyX)
Sets justification X coordinate in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
public void
setDisplayJustifyY (int displayJustifyY)
Sets justification Y coordinate in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
public void
setDisplayPenWidth (int displayPenWidth)
Sets pen width for displayed signatures in pixels.
public void
setDisplayRotation (int displayRotation)
Sets mode allowing signature rotation ofter capture.
public void
setDisplayTimeStamp(boolean displayTimeStamp)
Sets the bean to display the Time Stamp.
public void
setDisplayTimeStampSize (int displayTimeStampSize)
Sets the Y size in pixels of the Time Stamp in the signature box.
public void
setDisplayTimeStampX (int displayTimeStampX)
Sets the X position in pixels of the start of the Time Stamp in the signature box.
public void
setDisplayTimeStampY (int displayTimeStampy)
Sets the Y position in pixels of the start of the Time Stamp in the signature box.
public void
setDisplayTransparentMode (boolean displayTransparentMode)
Sets whether the signature is displayed on a transparent background.
public void
setEncryptionMode(int encryptionMode)
Sets the encryption mode used for capturing signatures.
public void
setImageAnnotation (boolean imageAnnotation)
Sets whether or not the annotation is being displayed as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImageAnnotationSize (int imageAnnotationSize)
Sets the size in pixels of the Annotation as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImageAnnotationX (int imageAnnotationX)
Sets the X position in pixels of the start of the Annotation string as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImageAnnotationY (int imageAnnotationY)
Sets the Y position in pixels of the start of the Annotation string as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImageJustifyMode (int imageJustifyMode)
Sets the justification mode for the image as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImageJustifyX (int imageJustifyX)
Sets justify X buffer in pixels as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImageJustifyY (int imageJustifyY)
Sets justify Y buffer in pixels as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImagePenWidth (int imagePenWidth)
Sets pen width for the image in pixels as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImageRotation (int imageRotation)
Sets the mode allowing for signature rotation after capture as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImageTimeStamp (boolean imageTimeStamp)
Sets the bean to display the Time Stamp as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImageTimeStampSize (int imageTimeStampSize)
Sets the size in pixels of the Time Stamp as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImageTimeStampX (int imageTimeStampX)
Sets the X position in pixels of the start of the Time Stamp as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImageTimeStampY (int imageTimeStampY)
Sets the Y position in pixels of the start of the Time Stamp as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImageTransparentMode (boolean imageTransparenMode)
Sets whether the signature is displayed on a transparent background as it applies to public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImageXSize (int imageXSize)
Sets the number of X pixels in the image provided by public image sigImage () method.
public void
setImageYSize (int imageYSize)
Sets the number of Y pixels in the image provided by public image sigImage () method.
public void
setLCDTabletMap (int newLCDType, int newLCDXSize, int newLCDYSize, int newLCDYStart, int newLCDXStop, int newLCDYStop)
Overrides the default values of the LCD parameters at run time.
public void
setLCDCaptureMode (int newMode)
Sets the current LCD mode for the tablet.
public void
setSaveSigInfo (boolean)
Enables/Disables the saving of TimeStamp and Annotate data in the signature.
public void
setSigCompressionMode (int sigCompressionMode)
Sets the current compression mode for signatures.
public void
setSigString(string sigString)
Sets the signature string into the bean.
public void
setTabletBaudRate (int tabletBaudRate)
Sets the baud rate for the tablet.
public void
setTabletClippingMode (boolean tabletClippingMode)
Sets mode where signature points outside the set display area are not reported.
public void
setTabletComPort (string tabletComPort)
Sets the COM port to use.
public void
setTabletComTest (boolean tabletComTest)
Sets hardware test mode.
public void
setTabletFilterPoints (int tabletFilterPoints)
Sets the TabletFilterPoints.
public void
setTabletFormat (int tabletFormat)
Sets the tablet format.
public void
setTabletInvisible (boolean tabletInvisible)
Sets SigPlus to run windowless.
public void
setTabletLCDType (int tabletLCDType)
Sets the LCD type of the signature tablet.
public void
setTabletLCDXSize (int tabletLCDXSize)
Sets LCD tablet width in pixels.
public void
setTabletLCDXStart (int tabletLCDXStart)
Sets X pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of left most pixel.
public void
setTabletLCDXStop (int TabletLCDXStop)
Sets X pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of right most pixel.
public void
setTabletLCDYSize (int tabletLCDYSize)
Sets LCD tablet height in pixels.
public void
setTabletLCDYStart (int tabletLCDYStart)
Sets Y pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of top most pixel.
public void
setTabletLCDYStop (int TabletLCDYStop)
Sets Y pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of bottom most pixel.
public void
setTabletModel (string TabletModel)
Sets the model for the signature tablet.
public void
setTabletResolution (int tabletResolution)
Sets tablet hardware resolution.
public void
setTabletRotation (int tabletRotation)
Sets the orientation on a 360 degree axis for display of tablet data.
public void
setTabletState (int tabletState)
Opens port to enable signature capture.
public void
setTabletTimingAdvance (int tabletTimingAdvance)
Sets the TabletTimingAdvance.
public void
setTabletXStart (int tabletXStart)
Sets the X position of the top left corner of the signature box in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
public void
setTabletXStop (int tabletXStop)
Sets the X position of the bottom right corner of the signature box in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
public void
setTabletYStart (int tabletYStart)
Sets the Y position of the top left corner of the signature box in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
public void
setTabletYStop (int tabletYStop)
Sets the Y position of the bottom right corner of the signature box in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
public void
setTimeStamp (string timeStamp)
Sets the Time Stamp for the signature.
public image
sigImage ()
Returns a Java buffered image of the current signature using the image properties.

Constructor Detail


Public SigPlus() {}
SigPlus sigObj = null;

ClassLoader cl = (com.topaz.sigplus.SigPlus.class).getClassLoader();
sigObj = (SigPlus)Beans.instantiate( cl, "com.topaz.sigplus.SigPlus" );
Method Detail


public void keyPadSetSigWindow (int coords,
                                int xPos,
                                int yPos,
                                int xSize,
                                int ySize)
Sets a signature window that restricts the ink of the SigPlus object to said window. The functions behave as follows: JustifyMode will only operate on points inside of this window. ExportSigFile will only operate on points inside the window. SigString only operates on points inside the window.
coords - Value of 0 equals Logical Tablet Coordinates. 1 equals LCD setting.
xpos-Location in Logical Tablet Coordinates, upper left = 0,0.
xsize-XSize in logical tablet pixels.
ysize-YSize in logical tablet pixels.


public void keyPadClearSigWindow(int inside)
inside-if=0 then signature data is erased (in window), if =1 then data outside sig window is erased.


public void keyPadAddHotSpot(int keyCode, 
                             int coords,
                             int xPos,
                             int yPos,
                             int xSize,
                             int ySize)
Defines in software the location of a tablet HotSpot which is used by the developer to detect user pen taps. To use LCD coordinates, the LCD coordinate map is set using setlcdTabletMap
keyCode -integer value defining the HotSpot
coords-coordinate system used for this HotSpot
xPos-location (upper left- 0,0)
xSize-x size in pixels
ySize-y size in pixels


public void keyPadClearHotSpotList()
Clears the controls internal list of HotSpots created using keyPadAddHotSpot


public int keyPadQueryHotSpot (int keyCode )
Queries whether the specified HotSpot has been tapped by the user. Returns a true if the control contains data that is within the definition of the keyCode on the tablet.
keyCode- Mapped Logical Tablet Coordinates
Number of points within the keyCode definition.


public int getLCDCaptureMode()
Gets the current LCD Capture Mode for the tablet
Mode of the LCD tablet


public void setLCDCaptureMode (int newMode)
Sets the current LCD mode for the tablet.
newMode- the new mode the LCD is set to capture signatures in, Mode 0 no LCD commands are sent to the tablet, Mode 1-sets capture mode to be active with Autoerase in the tablet, Mode 2-sets the tablet to persistent ink capture without autoerase, Mode 3-signature ink is displayed inverted on a suitable dark background set using the Graphic functions.


public void setLCDTabletMap (int newLCDType,
                             int newLCDXsize,
                             int newLCDYsize,
                             int newLCDXstart,
                             int newLCDYstart,
                             int newLCDXstop,
                             int newLCDYstop)
Overrides the default values for the LCD parameters at run time.
newLCDType- specifies LCD type and format, 0 for 240x128
newLCDXsize- X size of LCD display, in pixels
newLCDYsize- Y size of LCD display, in pixels
newLCDXstart- X pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of LCD
newLCDYstart- Y pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of LCD
newLCDXstop- X pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of LCD
newLCDYstop- Y pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of LCD


public boolean lcdSetWindow (int xPos,
                             int yPos,
                             int xSize,
                             int ySize)
Sets a signature window that restricts the ink of the SigPlus object to said window on the LCD itself (see setLCDCaptureMode)
xPos- Location in LCD coordinates (upper left- 0,0)
yPos- Same
xSize- X size in LCD pixels
ysize-Ysize in LCD pixels
True if checksum received and verified, false if no or incorrect checksum received from tablet.


public boolean lcdWriteImage (int dest, 
                              int mode,
                              int xPos,
                              int yPos,
                              int xSize,
                              int ySize, 
                              image ImageData)
Writes windows jpeg data to the LCD display. The data is written at the location specified by the combination of dest, xPos, and yPos, and mode determines how the data is written. Mode 0-the display is cleared at the specified location. Mode 1- Complement, complemented at the specific location, Mode 2-WriteOpaque, contents of the background memory in the tablet are transferred to the LCD Display overwriting the contents of the LCD display. Mode 3- Write Transparent, contents of the background memory in the tablet are combined with and transferred to the visible LCD memory.
dest- 0=foreground, 1=background memory in tablet
mode- 0,1,2,3 defined as above
xPos- Location in LCD coords to draw at
yPos- same
xSize- Width in LCD pixels
ySize- Height in LCD pixels
True if checksum received and verified, false if no or incorrect checksum received from tablet.


public boolean lcdRefresh (int mode,
                           int xPos, 
                           int yPos, 
                           int xSize, 
                           int ySize)
Sends tablet a refresh command with 4 possible modes. Mode 0-Clear, display is cleared at the specified location. Mode 1-Complement, complements display at the specifiedd location. Mode 2-WriteOpaque, transfers contents of the background memory to the LCD display, overwriting the content of the LCD display. Mode 3-WriteTransparent, transfers contents of the background memor in the tableb to the LCD display and combined in the contents of the LCD display.
mode-defined as above (0-4)
xPos- Location in LCD Coordinates (upper left-0,0)
yPos- Same
xSize- X size in LCD pixels
ySize- Y size in LCD pixels
True if checksum received and verified, False if no or incorrect checksum received from tablet


public long getSigReceipt ()
Returns a 32 bit reciept similiar to the key receipt. Forms receipt by using the auto key generation algorithm on the signature file and the result can be used to verify that the signature has not been modified.
32 bit binary receipt


public string getSigReceiptAscii (short strokeIdx, 
                                  short pointIdx)
Same as getKeyReceiptAscii, but for Sig receipt.
strokeIdx-stroke in the signature
pointIdx- points that make up the stroke
The ASCII string SigReceipt


public string getKeyString ()
Provides hash of the encryption data in ASCII compatible format
Hash of encryption data


public int numberOfTabletPoints ()
Returns the total number of points in the current signature, can be used to detect if a signature is present or not.
Decimal value of number of points in the signature.


public void autoKeyFinish ()
Completes the auto key generation function, after this call the key is ready to be used in saving an encrypted file.


public void autoKeyStart ()
Initializes the automatic key generation function which derives a key from the data fed to it via autoKeyData (string), when all data is input then autoKeyFinish () must be called to compete key generation. If the autoKeyStart method is not called, then the autoKeyData method is used to pass the path to a file, which is then used to encrypt the signature, when autoKeyStart is called then autoKeyData is used to pass in string literals as data.


public void autoKeyData (String)
Adds data to the auto key generation function dependent on use of the autoKeyStart method
String- Data or file path that signature gets bound to.


public Image sigImage ()
Returns a Java buffered image of the current signature rendered using the Image properties.


public void clearTablet ()
Clears the signature object of ink


public boolean esportSigFile (string fileName)
Writes out a signature file in the Topaz image-free raw tablet data vector file format (.sig extension)
True if successful, false if not succesful


public boolean importSigFile (string fileName)
Clears the current signature, read in a signature file in the Topaz vector file format, and display it.
Filename- Contains the path and filename that is to be read from
True if successful, False if not succesful


public string getSigPlusVersion ()
The current version of the SigPlus JAR file


public void setSaveSigInfo (boolean)
Enables/Disables the saving of TimeStamp and Annotate data in the signature.
boolean- If True then SigInfo will be saved (default), if False then the info will not be saved


public short getNumberOfStrokes()
Returns total number of strokes in the current signature, can be used to detect if a signature is present or not.
decimal value of number of strokes in signature


public short getNumPointsForStroke (strokeNumber)
strokeNumber-Number of the stroke to inquire about
decimal value of number of points in the stroke


public short getPointXValue (short strokeIdx,
                             short pointIdx)
Returns the X coordinates value for the specified point in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
strokeIdx- the index of the stroke for the point desired
pointIdx-the index of the point in the stroke
Decimal value of the X coordinate for the point


public short getPointYValue (short strokeIdy,
                             short pointIdy)
Returns the Y coordinates value for the specified point in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
strokeIdy- index of the stroke for the point desired
pointIdy- index of the point in the stroke
Decimal value of the X coordinate for the point.


public short getXextent ()
Width of the current signature in pixels.


public short getYextent ()
Height of the current signature in pixels.


public string getTabletModel ()
Gets the current table model setting.
Current tablet model


public void setTabletModel (string TabletModel)
Sets the tablet model.
TableModel- Any of the following values, SignatureGem1X5, SignatureGemLCD1X5, SignatureGem4X5, ClipGem, ClipGem19200, ClipGemLGL, for SigLite1X5 use SignarureGem1X5, for SignatureGemLCD4X3 use SignatureGemLCD4X3New, SignatureGemLCD4X5


public string getTimeStamp ()
Gets the current Time Stamp string for the signature.
ASCII new line character


public void setTimeStamp (string TimeStamp)
Sets the TimeStamp string for the signature.
TimeStamp- ASCII new line character


public string getAnnotation ()
Returns current ASCII Annotation string


public void setAnnotation (string Annotation)
Sets Annotation string.
Annotation- ASCII line character


public string getSigString ()
Returns signature as an ASCII hex string.
SigString as ASCII hex string


public void setSigString (string SigString)
Puts signature into the bean.
SigString- Signature in ASCII format


public int getTabletState ()
Indicates capture state of the tablet.
Value of 1 enables the bean to access the selected COM or USB port and access the tablet for signature capture, 0 disables the tablet for capture


public void setTabletState (int TabletState)
Enables tablet to acess the COM or USB port to capture signatures or not.
TabletState-setting to 1 enables the tablet to capture signatures as above, setting to 0 disables signature capture


public int getSigCompressionMode ()
Returns compression mode for signatures.
Numeric value of current compression mode (see setSigCompressionMode)


public void setSigCompressionMode (int SigCompressionMode)
Sets the current compression mode for signatures.
SigCompressionMode- Mode for compression of signature, where 0= no compression, 1= lossless compression with compacted data format, 2-8= compression ratio of signature stored in in .sig file where 2=1KB typ, 4=500 byte typ, and 8=250 byte typ. Topaz Systems does not recommend compressing beyond setting 1 unless size is more improtant than signature quality


public int getEncryptionMode ()
Returns current EncryptionMode.
Numeric value for current EncryptionMode (see setEncryptionMode)


public void setEncrytpionMode (int EncryptionMode)
Sets EncryptionMode
EncryptionMode- 0= no encryption, 1= medium encryption, 2=higher security encryption mode


public int getLogicalTabletXSize ()
Current horizontal values used in representing signatures in Logical Tablet Coordinates


public void setTabletLogicalXSize (int TabletLogicalXSize)
Sets the horizontal values to be used in representing signatures in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
TabletLogicalXSize- the horizontal values used in representing signatures in Logical Tablet Coordinates which by default are set to TabletXStop minus TabletXStart


public int getTabletLogicalYSize()
Current vertical values used in representing signatures in Logical Tablet Coordinates


public void setTabletLogicalYSize (int TabletLogicalYSize)
Sets the range of vertical values to be used in representing signatures in Logical Tablet Coordinates.
TabletLogicalYSize- vertical values used in representing signatures in tablet coordinates which are set by default to TabletYStop minus TabletYStart


public int getTabletXStart()
Current X position in Logical Tablet Coordinates of the upper left hand corner of the bean signature box


public void setTabletXStart (int TabletXStart)
Sets the X position in Logical Tablet Coordinates of the upper left hand corner of the bean signature box which is automatically set by the TabletModel property.
TabletXStart- X coordinate of the upper left corner of the signature box


pubic int getTabletXStop ()
Current X position in Logical Tablet Coordinates of the lower right hand corner of the bean signature box.


public void setTabletXStop (int TabletXStop)
Sets the X position in Logical Tablet Coordinates of the lower right corner of the bean signature box which is automatically set by the TabletModel property.
TabletXStop-X coordinate for the lower right corner of the signature box


public int TabletYStart ()
Current Y position in Logical Tablet Coordinates of the upper left corner of the bean signature box.


public void setTabletYStart (int TabletYStart)
Sets the Y position in Logical Tablet Coordinates of the upper left corner of the bean signature box which is automatically set by the TabletModel property.
TabletXStop-Y coordinate for the upper left corner of the signature box


public int getTabletYStop ()
Current Y position in tablet coordinates of the lower right corner of the bean signature box.


public void setTabletYStop (int TabletYStop)
Sets the Y position in Logical Tablet Coordinates of the lower right corner of the bean signature box which is automatically set by the TabletModel property.
TabletYStop-Y coordinate for the lower right corner of the signature box


public int getTabletTimingAdvance ()
Current TabletTimingAdvance


public void setTabletTimingAdvance (int TabletTimingAdvance)
Sets TabletTimingAdvance, an internal property associated with tablet model and set by the TabletModel property.
TabletTimingAdvance-internal tablet property


public int getTabletFilterPoints ()
Current TabletFilterPoints


public void setTabletFilterPoints (int TabletFilterPoints)
Sets TabletFilterPoints, an internal property associated with tablet model and set by the TabletModel property.
TabletFilterPoints- internal tablet property


public int getTabletBaudRate ()
Current TabletBaudRate


public void setTabletBaudRate (int TabletBaudRate)
Sets TabletBaudRate, an internal property associated with tablet model and set by the TabletModel property.
TabletBaudRate-internal tablet property


public int getTabletResolution ()
Current TabletResolution


public void  setTabletResolution (int TabletResolution)
Sets TableResolution, an internal property associated with tablet model and set by the TabletModel property, based on hardware tablet resolution is 410 dpi, (excluding ClipGem which is 275 dpi) but can be changed at the risk of affecting signature capture.
TabletResolution-internal tablet property


public int getTabletRotation ()
Gets the current orientation on a 360 degree axis for display of tablet data. The data in the sig representation is stored in the native tablet orientation.
Current tablet orientation


public void setTabletRotation (int TabletRotation)
Sets the orientation on a 360 degree axis for display of tablet data. The data in the sig representation is stored in the native tablet orientation
TabletRotation-Display orientation, allowed values are 0, 90, 180, 270


public string getTabletComPort ()
Gets the current COM port setting.
Current COM port setting


public void setTabletComPort (string TabletComPort)
Sets the COM port to use using a string. The SigPlus Java bean does not lock up a port as is the case with mouse-type drivers. Only set COM port when tablet state is OFF.
TabletComPort- COM port tablet uses. For USB connection (v.2.06 and above) use the string value "USB1", for HSB connection (v.2.12 and above) use the string value "HID1"


public boolean getTabletComTest ()
Gets current harware check mode, can be used to determine if tablet is connected or which port tablet is connected to.
Current hardware check mode, True if active, False if not active


public void setTabletComTest (boolean TabletComTest)
Sets harware check mode. When this mode is active and Topaz tablet plugged into selected COM port (or USB) TabletState can be set to 1(ON). If tablet cannot be set to 1.
TabletComTest-Hardware check mode,


public boolean getTabletClippingMode ()
Gets current TabletClippingMode, mode where signature points are not reported if the points are drawn outside the bean signature box.
True if clipping mode is active, false if clipping mode is inactive


public void setTabletClippingMode (boolean TabletClippingMode)
Sets mode where signature points are not reported if outside the bean signature box when active.
TabletClippingMode-Tablet mode where points outside the signature box are not reported


public boolean getTabletInvisible ()
Returns whether or not SigPlus is in transparent mode.
True if Invisible mode is active, False if mode is not active


public void setTabletInvisible (boolean TabletInvisible)
Sets SigPlus to run windowless.
TabletInvisible-Mode to be set to allow windowless operation


public int getTabletFormat ()
Gets current tablet format.
Current tablet format


public void setTabletFormat (int TabletFormat)
Sets tablet format.
TabletFormat- Tablet format to be set


pulic int getTabletLCDType ()
Gets current LCD format.
1 for 128X64, 0 for 240X128,


public void setTabletLCDType (int TabletLCDType)
Sets LCD format.
TabletLCDType-Format of LCD to be set, for values see getTabletLCDType


public int getTabletLCDXSize ()
Gets current width of LCD in pixels.
Current width of LCD in pixels


public void setTabletLCDXSize (int TabletLCDXSize)
Sets width of the LCD tablet in pixels.
TabletLCDXSize-Width of LCD to be set


public int getTabletLCDYSize ()
Gets current height of LCD in pixels.
Height of LCD in pixels


public void setTabletLCDYSize (int TabletLCDYSize)
Sets height of LCD in pixels.
TabletLCDYSize-Height of LCD to be set


public int getTabletLCDXStart ()
Gets current X pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of left most pixel.
Current left most pixel


public void setTabletLCDXStart (int TabletLCDXStart)
Sets X pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of left most pixel.
TabletLCDXStart- Left most pixel to be set


public int getTabletLCDXStop ()
Gets the X pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of the right most X pixel.
The X pos of the right most pixel


public void setTabletLCDXStop (int TabletLCDXStop)
Sets the X pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of the right most pixel.
TabletLCDXStop-The right most LCD pixel to be set


public int getTabletLCDYStart ()
Gets the current Y pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of the top most pixel.
The Y pos of the top most pixel


public void setTabletLCDYStart (int TabletLCDYStart)
Sets the Y pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of the top most pixel.
TabletLCDYStart-Top most LCD pixel to be set


public int getTabletLCDYStop ()
Gets the current Y pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of the bottom most pixel.
Y pos of bottom most pixel


public void setTabletLCDYStop(int TabletLCDYStop)
Sets the Y pos in Logical Tablet Coordinates of the bottom most pixel.
TabletLCDYStop-Bottom most pixel to be set


public int getDisplayPenWidth ()
Current pen ink width for the displayed signature in pixels


public void setPenDisplayWidth (int PenDisplayWidth)
Sets pen ink width for the displayed signature in pixels.
DisplayPenWidth- Pen width for the displayed signature in pixels


public boolean getDisplayTransparentMode ()
True if active, signature is displayed on a transparent background, False if inactive, displayed on an opaque background


public void setDisplayTransparentMode (boolean DisplayTransparentMode)
Sets whether the signature is displayed on an opaque or transparent background.
DisplayTransparentMode- Mode that controls background color of opaque or transparent


public int getDisplayRotation ()
Value of rotation on a 360 degree axis for signature display


public void setDisplayRotation (int DisplayRotation)
Sets mode allowing signature rotation in the control after capture for Display only, does not save the .sig info rotated. During capture rotation set by TabletRotation property.
setDisplayRotation- Orientation for display of signature after capture


public int getDisplayJustifyX ()
Justification X buffer size in pixels for display


public void setDisplayJustifyX (int DisplayJustifyX)
Sets the buffer size in Logical Tablet Coordinates of "dead space" of left and right edge of SigPlus object if DisplayJustifyMode is 1-5.
DisplayJustifyX- Justification X buffer size for display


public int getDisplayJustifyY ()
Justification Y buffers size in pixels for display


public void setDisplayJustifyY (int DisplayJustifyY)
Sets the buffer size in Logical Tablet Coordinates of "dead space" of top and bottom edge of SigPlus object if DisplayJustifyMode is 1-5.
DisplayJustifyY-Justification Y buffer size for display


public int getDisplayJustifyMode ()
Gets the current justification mode- how the signature is sized and positioned in the signature box.
Justification mode, 0-normal no justification, 1-justify and zoom signature (upper left corner) 2-justify and zoom signature (upper right corner) 3-justify and zoom signature (lower left corner) 4-justify and zoom signature (lower right corner) 5-justify and zoom signature (center of control)


public void setDisplayJustifyMode (int DisplayJustifyMode)
Sets justification mode- how the signature is sized and positioned in the signature box.
DisplayJustifyMode- The justification mode to be set, 0-5 (see getJustifyMode)


public int getDisplayTimeStampX ()
Gets X position of the start of the time stamp in the signature box.
X value in pixels relative to the left edge, if 0 then 5% in from left side of signature box


public void setDisplayTimeStampX (int DisplayTimeStampX)
Sets the X position in pixels of the start of the Time Stamp in the signature box.
DisplayTimeStampX- X position to be set for start of display of Time Stamp


public int getDisplayTimeStampY ()
Gets Y position of the start of the Time Stamp in the signature box.
Y value in pixels relative to the bottom edge, if 0 then 5% from bottom edge of signature box


public void setDisplayTimeStampY (int Display TimeStampY)
Sets the Y position in pixels of the start of the Time Stamp in the signature box.
DisplayTimeStampY- Y position to be set for start of display of Time Stamp


public int getDisplayTimeStampSize ()
Gets the Y size in pixels of the Time Stamp in the signature box.
Time Stamp size in pixels, if 0 then text size is 7.5% of y size of signature box


public void setDisplayTimeStampSize (int DisplayTimeStampSize)
Sets the Y size in pixels of the Time Stamp in the signature box.
DisplayTimeStampSize-Size of Time Stamp to set


public int getDisplayAnnotationX ()
Gets the current X position for the start of the Annotation String in the signature box.
X position for start of the Annotation string, if 0 then text is positioned 5% in from right side of signature box


public void setDisplayAnnotationX (int DispalyAnnotationX)
Sets the X position in pixels of the start of the Annotation String in the signature box.
DisplayAnnotationX- X position for the start of the Annotation String to be set


public int getDisplayAnnotationY ()
Gets the current Y position for the start of the Annotation String in the signature box.
Y position for the start of the Annotation String, if 0 then text is positioned 5% in from bottom edge of signature box


public void setDisplayAnnotationY (int DisplayAnnotationY)
Sets the Y position in pixels of the start of the Annotation String in the signature box.
DisplayAnnotationY- Y position for the start of the Annotation String to be set


public int getDisplayAnnotationSize ()
Gets current Y size in pixels of the Annotation start in the signature box.
Text size of the Annotation in pixels, if 0 then the text size is 7.5% of the Y size of the signature box


public void setDisplayAnnotationSize (int DisplayAnnotationSize)
Sets the Y size of the Annotation start of the Time Stamp in the signature box.
DisplayAnnotationSize- Y Size of Annotation text in pixels


public booleant getDisplayTimeStamp ()
Gets the current setting for bean to display Time Stamp.
True if Time Stamp is displayed, False if not displayed


public void setDisplayTimeStamp (boolean DisplayTimeStamp)>
Sets the bean to display the developer provided Time Stamp string.
DisplayTimeStamp-Bean to be set to display Time Stamp


public boolean getDisplayAnnotation ()
Gets the current setting to display Annotation.
True if Annotation is displayed, false if not displayed


public void setDisplayAnnotation (boolean DisplayAnnotation)
Sets the bean to display the Annotation string.
DisplayAnnotation- Bean to display Annotation string


public int getImageXSize ()
Gets the current width in X pixels of the image provided by public Image sigImage ().
Number of X pixels of image


public void setImageXSize (int ImageXSize)
Sets the number of X pixels in the image provide by public Image sigImage ().
imageXSize- Size in X pixels of the Image width


public int getImageYSize ()
Gets the current height in Y pixels of the image provided by public Image sigImage ().
number of Y pixels in Image height


public void setImageYSize (int ImageYSize)
Sets the number of Y pixels in the Image height as provided by public Image sigImage ().
ImageYSize-Size in y pixels of the Image height


public int ImagePenWidth ()
Gets current pen ink width as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
Pen ink width for Image


public void setImagePenWidth (int ImagePenWidth)
Sets pen ink width as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
ImagePenWidth-Pen ink width for Image


public boolean getImageTransparentMode ()
Returns the current setting for transparent mode as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
True when transparent mode is active, false when not


public void setImageTransparentMode (boolean ImageTransparentMode)
Sets whether the signature is displayed on an opaque or transparent background as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
ImageTransparentMode- Mode that controls the background color of opaque or transparent


public int getImageRotation ()
Gets current rotation on a 360 degree axis as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
Value of rotation for Imageon a 360 degree axis


public void setImageRotation (int ImageRotation)
Sets rotation on a 360 degree axis for Image as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
ImageRotation- Orientation for Image on a 360 degree axis


public int getImageJustifyX ()
Returns the buffer size in Logical Tablet Coordinates of "dead space" of left and right edge of SigPlus object as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
Justification X buffer size in pixels for Image


public void setImageJustifyX ()
Sets the buffer size in Logical Tablet Coordinates of "dead space" of left and right edge of SigPlus object if ImageJustifyMode is 1-5 public Image sigamage ().
ImageJustifyX- Justification X buffer size in pixels to be set for Image


public int getImageJustifyY ()
Gets current justification Y coordinate for Image as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
Justification Y buffer size in pixels for Image


public void setImageJustifyY (int ImageJustifyY)
Sets the buffer size in Logical Tablet Coordinates of "dead space" of top and bottom edge of SigPlus object if ImageJustifyMode is 1-5 for Image as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
ImageJustifyY- Justification Y buffer size in pixels to be set for Image


public int getImageJustifyMode ()
Gets the current justification mode as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
Justification mode for Image, see public int getDisplayJustifyMode ()


public void setImageJustifyMode (int ImageJustifyMode)
Sets the justification mode as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
ImageJustifyMode- Justification mode to be set 0-5, see public int getDisplayJustifyMode ()


public int getImageTimeStampX ()
Gets X position of the start of the Time Stamp in the signature box as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
X value in pixels relative to the left edge, if 0 then 5% in from the left side of signature box


public void setImageTimeStampX (int TimeStampX)
Sets the X position in pixels of the start of the Time Stamp as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
ImageTimeStampX- X position to be set for start of Time Stamp for Image


public int getImageTimeStampY ()
Gets the current Y position in pixels for the start of the Time Stamp as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
Y value in pixels relative to the left edge, if 0 then 5% from the bottom edge of the signature box


public void setImageTimeStampY (int TimeStampY)
Sets the Y poistion in pixels of the start of the Time Stamp as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
ImageTimeStampY-Y position to be set for start of Time Stamp for Image


public int getImageTimeStampSize ()
Gets the Y size in pixels of the Time Stamp in the signature box as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
Time Stamp size in pixels, if 0 then text size is 7.5% of Y size of signature box


public void setImageTimeStampSize (int TimeStampSize)
Sets the Y size in pixels of the Time Stamp in the signature box as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
ImageTimeStampSize-Size of Time Stamp to set for Image


public int getImageAnnotationSize ()
Gets current Y size in pixels of the Annotation start in the signature box as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
Text size of the Annotation in pixels, if 0 then test size is 7.5% of the Y size of the signature box.


public void setImageAnnotationSize (int ImageAnnotationSize)
Sets the Y size of the Annotation start in the signature box as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
ImageAnnotationSize- Y size of Annotation text in pixels for Image


public int getImageAnnotationX ()
Gets the current X poistion for the start of the Annotation String in the signature box as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
X position for start of the Annotation string, if 0 then text is positioned 5% in from right side of signature box for Image


public void setImageAnnotationX (int ImageAnnotationX)
Sets the X position in pixels of the start of the Annotation String in the signature box as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
ImageAnnotationX- X position for the start of the Annotation String to be set for Image


public int getImageAnnotationY ()
Gets the current Y posiiton for the start of the Annotation String in the signature box as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
Y position for the start of the Annotation String, if 0 then test is positioned 5% in from bottom edge of signature box


public void setImageAnnotationY (int ImageAnnotationY)
Sets the Y position in pixels of the start of the Annotation String in the signature box as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
ImageAnnotationY- Y position for the start of the Annotation String to be set for Image


public boolean get ImageTimeStamp ()
Gets the current setting for bean to display Time Stamp as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
True if Time Stamp is displayed, False if not displayed for Image


public void setImageTimeStamp (boolean ImageTImeStamp)
Sets the bean to display the Time Stamp as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
ImageTimeStamp- Bean to be set to display developer provided Time Stamp.


public boolean getImageAnnotation ()
Gets the current setting for bean to display Annotation as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
True if Annotation is displayed, false if not displayed for Image


public void setImageAnnotation (boolean ImageAnnotation)
Sets the bean to display the Annotation string as it applies to public Image sigImage ().
ImageAnnotation- Bean to be set to display Annotation string in the Image

TopazSystems, Inc.
SigPlus v2.41

Copyright © 2004 Topaz Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.